Wild Ones South Central Ohio Planning

Posted on | General


It is time to elect or appoint officers, adopt bylaws, and schedule events over the next year even though some of them will be tentative. Once we complete these steps, we will become an official chapter rather than a “seedling” chapter. At that point, we will need to elect or appoint a treasurer. If you are interested in running for office, please contact Donna Patrick by replying to this email. You will receive a link to decide time and place to meet. 

Currently, we have been invited to meet at the Presbyterian Church in Chillicothe, Lyle Farms on 159 near Kingston, and Believe in Fitness Gym in Circleville. We also have met at Joyhouse Coffee and New System Bakery. Joyhouse is open from 6-9 on Thursday night. New System closes at 5 pm. We have a couple more possible spots to meet but I will confirm before sharing. 

So far, we have connected with Ross County Park District, Chillicothe City Parks, Pickaway County Extension Office, Pickaway County Master Gardener’s, and Chillicothe Farmers Market plus several local businesses in both counties. We are always looking for new connections and opportunities to spread the word about Wild Ones.

You will find a Google form attached to this email to try to tailor meeting times, location and events to accommodate as many members as possible. If necessary, we can plan more than one location for meetings (both counties), and events in as many locations as possible.

Thank you all again for journeying along with us!